Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Friday, November 18, 2005

A-Ha! I finally got Day by Day to work on my blog

I love Chris Muir's Day By Day cartoon, but couldn't get it to work in my template. If I put it at the top, the last panel invariably became obscured by my sidebar. I've finally made the compromise and placed it in the bottom-most part of my blog, so you have to scroll down to look at it. It's so funny, though (especially today's), that this one second of scrolling is definitely worth the effort -- especially if you don't visit other blogs that display Day By Day in a more visible spot. UPDATE: I really don't need to state the obvious, which is that Day By Day is in its rightful place at the top of the blog. However, I do need to state the less obvious, which is that I never could have done this without help from Anna, at A Rose By Any Other Name. Thanks, Anna.