Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Rewriting the rewriting of history

In connection with a column blasting both George Clooney's movie about Edward R. Murrow, and the latter's naivete in having a top Soviet spy as his best friend Ann Coulter has this to say about the effect of the anti-Communist hearings in the 1950s, especially with regard to Hollywood:

To hear these liberals carry on, 'McCarthyism' was the worst thing that ever happened in the history of the universe. No one has ever been so persecuted or so heroic as Hollywood actors in the '50s. At the exact same time as these crybabies were wailing about McCarthyism, there was much worse going on in the parts of the world so admired by the Hollywood left. It's not as if we have to go back to the Peloponnesian War to find greater suffering than that of Hollywood drama queens during the BNOF ["Black Night of Facism" - Ann's term] under McCarthyism. I believe anyone would find it preferable to have been a 'target' of McCarthy in the '50s than to have been an ordinary citizen living in the Soviet Union, Hungary, Poland, the Ukraine or any nation infected by the Red Plague. Thanks to McCarthy, and no thanks to Murrow, the worst horror to befall an American citizen in the '50s was the dire prospect of losing a movie credit – although, since then, I suppose having to watch a George Clooney movie would run a close second.
I still remember instantly becoming a social pariah at my liberal University when I innocently suggested during a class that there was nothing unreasonable, during the Cold War, with guarding against Communist infilitration.