Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Orwell's thought police appear in England, only 21 years later than predicted.

Mark Steyn writes on thought crime in England. England has pretty much given up on investigating or prosecuting actual crime (theft, muggings, traffic accidents, etc). "Serious crime," however, is still taken seriously. And so it was that a woman who spoke out against homosexual marriages found herself immediately investigated by a "community safety unit" decided to investigating "homophobic, racist and domestic incidences," all classified as priority crimes. The fact that there was no actualy "incident," but merely an opinion, was irrelevant:

So no crime was committed. Yet Mrs Burrows was 'investigated' and a report about the 'incident' and her involvement in it is now on a government computer somewhere. Oh, to be sure, the vicious homophobe wasn't dragged off to re-education camp - or more likely, given budgetary constraints, an overcrowded women's prison to be tossed in a cell with a predatory bull-dyke who could teach her the error of her homophobic ways. But, on balance, that has the merit of at least being more obviously outrageous than the weaselly 'community reassurance' approach of the Met. As it is, Lynette Burrows has been investigated by police merely for expressing an opinion. Which is the sort of thing we used to associate with police states. Indeed, it's the defining act of a police state: the arbitrary criminalisation of dissent from state orthodoxy.
There's more, so much more, which you can read here.