Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Doing the right thing

I think that Gov. Schwarzenegger did the right thing:

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Monday refused to spare the life of Stanley Tookie Williams, the founder of the murderous Crips gang who awaited execution after midnight in a case that set off a debate over the possibility of redemption on death row. Schwarzenegger said he was unconvinced that Williams had had a change of heart, and he was unswayed by pleas from Hollywood stars and capital punishment foes who said the inmate had made amends by writing children's books about the dangers of gangs." "Is Williams' redemption complete and sincere, or is it just a hollow promise?" Schwarzenegger wrote less than 12 hours before the execution. "Without an apology and atonement for these senseless and brutal killings, there can be no redemption." He added: "The facts do not justify overturning the jury's verdict or the decisions of the courts in this case."
Let's just hope that some people in L.A. don't grossly expose the lie of Tookie as a peacemaker by rioting tonight.