Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Feminists and their ties to misogynist Islam

Debbie Schlussel nails here the weird nexus between American leftist feminists and their ties to radical, misogynistic Islam. Thus, in an article about hyper-American feminist Martha Burk (who was incensed about the Augusta golf thingie), Schlussel has this to say:

Burk says President Bush is not helpful to women. “He talked about nothing besides liberating the women of Afghanistan and Iraq,” she complained. That’s one more country than Burk complained about. While Burk was fighting for the rights of a few billionatrixes to invade a private golf club, she said nothing about women fighting for their rights in dozens of Islamic countries around the world. She said something about Afghani women, well after our largely MALE troops liberated them. What Burk does stand for are groups like Equality Now and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), two of many misnamed, wacko members of Burk’s National Council of Women’s Organizations. Both have ties to Islamic terrorists. Equality Now serves as the U.S. mouthpiece for an organization that boycotts Israeli products and helps raise money to rebuild homes and buildings used for Palestinian terrorism. The homes on the border of Gaza and Egypt hide tunnels for smuggling homicide belts and other weaponry to Palestinian terrorists. The rebuilding campaign lists Rania Masri, who enthusiastically appeared with indicted Islamic Jihad terrorist leader Sami Al-Arian, countless times. WILPF’s website called Palestinian terrorism, “legitimate resistance” and promoted a class-action lawsuit by HAMAS attorney Stanley Cohen on behalf of “Palestinian-Americans” against President Bush, Israel, Ariel Sharon, churches and synagogues, for assorted conspiracies. Cohen represented HAMAS political director Moussa Abu Marzook and other HAMAS operatives. He proudly displays a photo of himself and late HAMAS leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin in his office and was a law partner of convicted lawyer Lynne Stewart who enabled her client, convicted terrorist Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, to send terrorist messages.
Keep in mind that it was these same Palestinians who, the other day, beat into jelly a Palestinian woman in Gaza whose sin was being discovered in her fiance's presence.