Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The UN has high standards

John O, over at Brain Droppings, thoughtfully educates us about the standard for a new United States ambassador to the UN:

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan's newly appointed chief of staff, Mark Malloch Brown, comments on the Bolton nomination:
I think many of us do think there is a silver lining to this, that a good ambassador from the United States to the U.N. also has to be a good ambassador from the U.N. to Washington. (Emphasis mine [John's])
An outrageous statement. Does the UN kleptocracy really believe that the American ambassador to the UN must represent their intertests? Have our previous ambassadors fostered this ridiculous and dangerous mentality?
Nice of them to be so straightforward about what they want: they clearly want someone who won't insult or threaten them by using red pen on their anti-Semitic, anti-American position papers.