Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Was the NYTimes always this bad, and I just never noticed?

If you follow this link, you’ll find a New York Times article profiling a refugee from Nazi Germany who claims that we’re poised to replicate Nazi society because of our Christians. Oooh, American Christians are scary dangerous. (If you could see me now, sitting at my keyboard, you'd see that I'm sneering at how ridiculous that statement is.) Typically, no one at the Times points out just a few little differences between American 2005, and Germany 1933. First, our modern American Christians fall somewhere in 1955 in terms of their values – and I’m not scared of 1955. Perhaps if American Christians were trying to replicate the witch-burning Christianity of the Pilgrim forebears, I might be a little more worried, but I just can't get frightened of people who advocate traditional mid-20th Century American values, even if they do position them from a religous point of view. Likewise, no one at the Times points out that, unlike Germany, we don’t have a millennial long history of anti-Semitism, or an obsession with torture. Regarding the latter, anyone who has ever studied medieval Germany history or been to a European torture museum will know what I'm talking about. Most Americans' idea of torture is having to listen to a long speech, or being exposed to the wrong kind of music (played very loudly) at the shopping mall. No one at the Times points out that we’re not dealing with the after effects of a blood-soaked four year long war of attrition (that would be WWI).Just to help out here, during the Battle of Verdun alone, there were 300,000 German casualties and 460,000 French ones. The Battle of the Somme, in July 1916, saw 400,000 British, 200,000 French and 450,000 German casualties. In the wake of this blood-letting, Germans had to deal with the killing reparations the other nations imposed on it after WWI. And then there was the Great Depression. No one at the Times mentions that Germany never had a history of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, or freedom of the press. I don’t even know where to stop in this rant. I guess my final word will be to say that I’m waiting for the day when the Times finally admits it’s not a newspaper but, instead, is an ideologically driven left-wing forum, devoid of meaningful analysis or newsworthy content.