Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Does the death of a child in war give you special insight into foreign policy?

Courtesy of the Drudge Report, I came across one of those stories that appears periodically to tell how a parent whose child died in Iraq is now anti-War or, in this case, vehemently anti-Bush. This post is not intended to denigrate or deny this grieving mother's viewpoint. She lost a child, and I can't even begin to imagine that pain. It did, however, make me think of two things: 1) Only a very small percentage of grieving parents appear to have this anti-War, anti-Bush response. The others seem to have a different philosophical approach. One could say that the only way the majority can deal with the pain is to pretend to themselves that their loved ones died for a good cause. The thing is, though, that I don't think it is a pretense. I think these brave families are onto something, which is that their children's tragic deaths really are for the greater good, and I for one am indeed grateful. 2) My other thing is the deference the media gives to these angry parent's positions. It seems as if they believe that, by having a child lost in battle, these parents have suddenly leapt into huge insights -- not about death and loss and grieving, but about world politics, strategy, tactics, terrorism, and the nature of Islamic fundamentalism. That strikes me as a thinking error, and gives credit for an understanding of world political dynamics where none is due.